Friday, March 12, 2010

Unrest Within

Many, many projects underway here at the box-o-fun.

The key word for the day?  MINIMALIST!  Let's see how that is going...

Oh dear.

I see bonus cabinet installation in our very near future. Fancy glass items collecting dust on top of cabinetry is definitely not my thing.  Also, observe the non-existent pantry to the left of the fridge.  Nice, eh?  Apparently the famous architect who designed this place is so superior to human kind that he does not require food for survival.  We lower beings require sustenance though, and therefore must pile mounds of canned chick peas and stale baking flour next to the fridge that houses all of our Chinese take-out.  Oh how I look forward to the days when I can hide the food I'm supposed to be cooking again!

There is one overwhelmingly cool object in this room though.  Can you find it? No, no - not the mammoth pot on the floor (need soup?).  I found that little blue fuzzy rug at the el cheapo discount store around the corner.  All alone and unwanted, it was the only one of its kind next to a sea of neutral nasty wal-mart themed snob rugs.  I purchased it in haste, not sure if it would match or fit, only knowing that I simply loved it.  Seriously, it is quite possibly the most magical kitchen rug to have ever existed.  All who step upon it smile.  It is pure coo-face inducing joy at the kitchen sink.   Oooh... ahhhh.

AAAIIEEEE!  This is supposed to be the living room, but I fear instead this is minimalism's version of a screaming child.  Lyla doesn't seem to mind, so long as the couch is free, but Mo is exhausted with all this moving mess!  Ok, maybe he is always like that and we occasionally have to shake him to make sure he is still alive.  But still!  What a catastrophe! Mo, it's ok buddy!  Hang in there!  We'll make it through this together, pal.  Gee, I better get crackin'!

True, I should be unpacking boxes and de-cluttering that nightmare of a living space, but I was so excited to hang this, I just couldn't wait! 

This room is complete.  Completely AWESOME with asdfk@*%&*  dogs in @*&(#*%ing  outhouses!  YES!


Dr. McAwesome said...

"Oh how I look forward to the days when I can hide the food I'm supposed to be cooking again!" -- loool

Jordan said...


Crystal said...

Jordan - I owe you the thanks for the cool dog art. :-)