Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hedgehog Pusher

Audrey really, really wants a hedgehog.  Now upon first mentioning this, I thought:  a hedgehog?  Really?  What is wrong with you?
Then I saw a myriad of baby and full grown hedgehog pictures like the one above.  Then I read about them.  They are docile, don't stink, resistant to disease, make wonderful pets and pocket friends, don't make much noise (they purr - omg!), live as long as a big dog (ie: not really long enough, but about 6-8 years), and they eat bugs.  SOLD!  
Plus, just look at him.  LOOK at that face, those ears, those tiny little semi-human looking creepy feet.

They even love cilantro.

I have now become not only a hedgehog fan, but a hedgehog pusher.  Well, so long as he is rescued.  There is no reason any creature this cute should be homeless or peddled like a commodity.

If you are hooked like I am, feel free to check your local exotic animal rescue.  We found one in Houston that looks like a great group.  Meet Quilly Nelson: .  Seriously, Quilly Nelson?  That is possibly the most fantastic pet name we've ever heard.   Audrey will still visit them and check them out thoroughly before they get any adoption fees, but they look legit.
Quilly Nelson.  Ahahahaha!  My sides.

For more hedgehog fix and your daily zen, watch Shming swim.